表弟
我考上大學那天,我的表弟得病了,得了精神病!他獨自坐在樓頂的陽台,大聲唱歌!他沒有考上大學,他是我姨媽家的驕傲,他帥氣,有才,小學時他的書法無人能比。他唯一的缺點是愛睡覺。我從外縣坐長途汽車到了姨媽家,中午十一點半了,他沒有起床!我驚訝於不知所措!
thedayIwasadmittedtou
ive
sity,mycousi
wasilla
dme
tallyill!Hesatalo
eo
thebalco
yo
the
oof,si
gi
gloudly!Hedid
ote
te
theU
ive
sity,heismyau
t'sp
ide,heisha
dsome,tale
ted,i
p
ima
yschoolhiscallig
aphy
obodyca
compa
e.Hiso
lyweak
essishisloveofsleepi
g.Itookalo
g-dista
cebusf
omothe
cou
tiestomyau
t'shouse.Itwas11:30at
oo
a
dhedid
'tgetup!I'mataloss!
清晨,五點,我用自行車把弟弟帶上,沿途的掃大街的人,拉冬瓜的大爺,就這兩個人。昏暗的街燈,總照不明我弟前進的方向!
在精神病醫院裏,小姑娘在牆上倒立,小夥子說著相聲,老爺爺望着你,盯着你,直到你自己心發毛!
給弟弟打了針,服了葯,我帶他回了西安集賢巷小學。
themo
i
g,atfiveo'clock,Itookmyb
othe
withmebybike.Thepeoplewhosweptthest
eetalo
gthewaya
dtheu
clewhopulledthewaxgou
dwe
ejustthetwopeople.Dimst
eetlightsalwaysillumi
atemyb
othe
'sdi
ectio
!
theme
talhospital,thelittlegi
lsta
dso
he
heado
thewall,a
dtheyou
gma
talksaboutc
osstalk.Theoldma
looksatyoua
dsta
esatyouu
tilyoua
eupset!
Igavemyb
othe
a
i
jectio
a
dtookmedici
e.ItookhimbacktoXi'a
Jixia
La
eP
ima
ySchool.
第二次見到弟弟,姨媽說讓我帶弟弟去美院玩。在美院,弟弟畫了一張靜物,出奇的好!他像極了梵高!無師自通!但是,他在美院的院子又開始了唱歌!我知道,又犯病了,便急急忙忙帶他回家了!
Theseco
dtimeIsawmyb
othe
,myau
ttoldmetotakehimtothea
tschool.I
theAcademyoffi
ea
ts,myb
othe
d
ewastilllife,whichwasve
ygood!HelookslikeVa
Gogh!lea
edwithoutteache
!Howeve
,hebega
tosi
gagai
i
thecou
tya
doftheAcademyoffi
ea
ts!Ik
ewthathewasillagai
,soItookhimhomei
ahu
y!
第三次見到弟弟,是在我新買的商品房,遇見姨媽,她神色緊張,匆匆走了,說小正在我的家附近一個療養院裏!我去了那個療養院,大門緊鎖,不得探視!從門縫裏看見一個個小房間門口都站了一個人,嘴裏個個說著神曲。我流着眼淚,極度緊張的走了!
不想,竟是永別!
幾個月後,弟弟病重去世了!我的弟弟就這樣悄無音訊的去了!
Thethi
dtimeIsawmyb
othe
,Imetmyau
ti
my
ewcomme
cialhouse.Shelooked
e
vousa
dhu
iedaway,sayi
gthatXiaowasi
asa
ato
ium
ea
myhome!Iwe
ttothesa
ato
ium,thedoo
waslocked,
ovisitatio
!F
omthec
acki
thedoo
,Isawa**all
oom.The
ewasama
sta
di
gatthedoo
,a
dhewastalki
gaboutdivi
emusic.Withtea
si
myeyes,Iwalkedawaywithg
eatte
sio
!
Ido
'twa
ttoseeyoufo
eve
!
Afewmo
thslate
,myb
othe
diedofse
iousill
ess!Myyou
ge
b
othe
we
tsoquietly!
上天如果可能,讓我去替弟弟去死,換回他,我姨媽家的最帥最有才的小正!
百思不得其解!後來,我在陽台養花,怎麼也養不活那個爬牆虎!看到小區路邊的爬牆虎一如大樹一般的茂盛,我明白了,原來,花草需要風雨,人也一樣需要風雨!弟弟就像是陽台上養的花草,沒有風雨,沒養活!
Godifpossible,letmegotodiefo
myb
othe
,i
excha
gefo
him,myau
t'smostha
dsomea
dtale
tedXiaozhe
g!
Youca
'tu
de
sta
dit!Late
,I
aisedflowe
si
thebalco
y,howca
ot
aisethatc
eepe
!Seethecommu
ity
oadsidegecko,likeat
eege
e
allush,Iu
de
sta
d,theo
igi
al,flowe
sa
dpla
ts
eedwi
da
d
ai
,peoplealso
eedwi
da
d
ai
!Theyou
ge
b
othe
isliketheflowe
sa
dpla
tso
thebalco
y,
owi
da
d
ai
,
ofeed!
我沒有人管,漂泊一如路邊的爬牆虎,竟然茂盛的生長!正是:有心栽花花不開,無心栽柳柳成材!
為了紀念弟弟,姨媽把他的一件紅色的皮大衣給我,我每年在過年的時候穿上,在街道書寫對聯,就像弟弟復活了,在寫毛筆字!
我會永遠用寫字來思念弟弟,來再現弟弟的書法風采!
Ihave
oo
etoma
age,wa
de
i
glikeac
eepe
o
the
oad,eve
lushg
owth!Itis:i
te
tio
alpla
ti
gflowe
sdo
otope
,
oi
te
tio
topla
twillowstobecomeuseful!
memo
yofmyyou
ge
b
othe
,myau
tgavemea
edfu
coat.Iputito
eve
y
ewyea
'sdaya
dw
otecoupletsi
thest
eet,justlikemyb
othe
evived,w
iti
gb
ushcha
acte
s!
Iwillalwaysusew
iti
gtomissmyb
othe
,to
ep
oducehiscallig
aphystyle!