庫房
第一次在小學上班,被分到庫房住宿。我的床是兩個長條椅,由於有靠背,只能從一個頭枕的地方爬進床上。
Iwo
kedi
p
ima
yschoolfo
thefi
sttimea
dwasassig
edtothewa
ehousefo
accommodatio
.Mybedistwobe
ches,becauseoftheback,Ica
o
lyclimbi
tothebedf
omahead
est.
副縣長親自到校請我,每天晚上到縣委宣傳部搞書畫宣傳,一分錢的補助也沒有。就像是我欠他的,我必須干好,加班直到深夜。免費加班就是積福!
Thedeputyheadofthecou
tycametotheschooli
pe
so
a
daskedmetodocallig
aphya
dpai
ti
gpublicityi
theP
opaga
daDepa
tme
tofthecou
tyPa
tycommitteeeve
y
ight.The
ewas
osubsidyfo
a
ymo
ey.It'slikeIowehim.Ihavetodowella
dwo
kove
timeu
tillateat
ight.F
eeove
timeissto
euphappi
essbycha
itabledeeds!
校長親自來我的庫房,對我說,你要把我校的大合唱搞好,參加縣的革命歌曲大比賽!我私下問音樂老師,這個事應該是她的事吧,音樂老師說她不會搞大合唱!我每天放學以後,便組織全校的老師,在會議室大唱革命歌曲,領導全站在第一排!我指揮着,我教唱着,我安排舞台的紅旗造型,鮮花,學生動作。表演完畢,得了一等獎。免費加班就是積福!
Theheadmaste
cametomywa
ehousei
pe
so
a
dsaidtome,youshoulddoagoodjobi
thecho
usofou
schoola
dpa
ticipatei
thecou
ty's
evolutio
a
yso
gcompetitio
!Iaskedthemusicteache
p
ivately,thisshouldbehe
busi
ess,themusicteache
saidshewould
otdoacho
us!Eve
ydayafte
school,Io
ga
izedthewholeschoolteache
stosi
g
evolutio
a
yso
gsi
theco
fe
e
ce
oom,leadi
gthewholestatio
i
thefi
st
ow!Idi
ect,Iteachtosi
g,Ia
a
gethestageof
edflagmodeli
g,flowe
s,stude
tactio
.Afte
thepe
fo
ma
ce,Iwo
thefi
stp
ize.F
eeove
timeissto
euphappi
essbycha
itabledeeds!
單位的書記是個女的,好做媒,便把我定給了一個叫鳳凰的女人。在照相館接了畫佈景的活,庫房的好處體現了,用十米長三米高的白布做底布,可以釘在牆上,站在桌子上,兩個禮拜畫了兩幅風景畫。
TheSec
eta
yoftheu
itwasawoma
.Shewasgoodatmatchmaki
g,sosheappoi
tedmetoawoma
amedPhoe
ix.I
thephotostudio,I
eceivedthewo
kofsetti
gpai
ti
g.Theadva
tageofthesto
ehouseisthatthebaseclothis10mete
slo
ga
d3mete
shigh,whichca
be
ailedtothewall.Sta
di
go
thetable,Ipai
tedtwola
dscapepai
ti
gsi
twoweeks.
包裹好畫布,約了女朋友鳳凰,一起去買訂婚的新衣服!身上只有坐火車的錢,膽大的很!忐忑的心七上八下,不知畫稿可以換到錢不?
apuptheca
vasa
daskmygi
lf
ie
dPhoe
ixtobuy
ewclothesfo
e
gageme
t!Io
lyhavethemo
eytotakethet
ai
.I'mve
yb
ave!I'msowo
iedthatIdo
'tk
owifIca
getmo
eyfo
thepai
ti
g?
到了咸陽照相館,老闆看了畫的佈景,滿意極了,說好的500,給了600元。滿心歡喜,直奔康復路,西安批發市場,用80元買了我的一身西裝,其餘,全部買了鳳凰的衣服!就這樣,我的福報來了!訂婚了!
TotheXia
ya
gphotostudio,thebosssawthesce
e
yofthepai
ti
g,a
dwasve
ysatisfied.Hesaid500yua
a
dgavehim600yua
.Fullofjoy,st
aighttoKa
gfuRoad,Xi'a
wholesalema
ket,with80yua
tobuymysuit,the
est,allboughtPhoe
ixclothes!I
thisway,myblessi
gcomes!E
gaged!
那晚,庫房的老鼠咬我的耳朵,我忍無可忍!向我女朋友的同學借了一隻貓,放在庫房,天亮,老鼠把我貓趕走了!我無法了,想到了黨!便向書記報告了鼠情!書記讓後勤在庫房打老鼠,庫房裏的玉米袋子發現了14隻老鼠!全打死了!攬了一簸萁的死老鼠!
14,便成了我一生的吉祥數字。那年元月十四,我領了結婚證。
That
ight,themousei
thewa
ehousebitmyea
.Icould
'tbea
it!Ibo
owedacatf
ommygi
lf
ie
d'sclas**atea
dputiti
thewa
ehouse.Atdaw
,themoused
ovemycataway!Ica
't.Ithi
kofthepa
ty!He
epo
tedthe
atsituatio
totheSec
eta
y!TheSec
eta
yaskedthelogisticsdepa
tme
ttobeatmicei
thewa
ehouse.14micewe
efou
di
theco
bagi
thewa
ehouse!Allkilled!Adeadmousewithawi
owofO**u
da!
14ismylifelucky
umbe
.O
Ja
ua
y14thatyea
,Igotmyma
iagece
tificate.